Eligible Veteran Families: To receive supportive services under this program, you must be:
A member of a Veteran family: Your household must include a Veteran with an eligible discharge status. The Veteran must be the head of household or the spouse of the head of household.
Very low-income: Your household income does not exceed 80% of area median income (as adjusted).
Occupying Permanent Housing: You either (a) are residing in permanent housing; (b) are homeless and scheduled to become a resident of permanent housing within 90 days pending the location or development of housing suitable for permanent housing; or, (c) have exited permanent housing within the previous 90 days to seek other housing that is responsive to your needs and preferences.
The Supportive Services for Veteran Families provides a range of supportive services designed to promote housing stability for eligible very low-income Veteran families. Through the SSVF Program, El-Ada will provide outreach and case management services and will assist participants in obtaining VA benefits and other public benefits. Read more here.
Limited temporary financial assistance is available to enrolled Veteran families participating in case management, and may include: partial or full month rent assistance; one time rent or utility deposit assistance; rental application fee assistance; bus passes for housing search.
Application Process: Veteran families may complete an application for El-Ada SSVF Program enrollment at 2250 S Vista Ave, Boise, ID 83705. Information about SSVF and all El-Ada programs is available by calling (208) 345-2820 between 7am and 5pm, Monday through Thursday.
SSVF FY2024 Income Limits
Eligibility up to 80% of HUD Area Median Income
In FY 2024, 94% of Veteran households in El-Ada's SSVF program exited into permanent housing.
El-Ada assisted 174 Veteran households
in FY 2024.
The VA's Grant and Per Diem Bridge Housing (VAGPD BH) Program funds community agencies, such as El-Ada, to provide services to Veterans experiencing homelessness.
The VAGPD BH Program has been successful in establishing services for homeless veterans and has grown significantly since grants were first awarded nationally. Community-based providers funded under the VAGPD BH Program exist in most states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. These programs assist communities in housing homeless veterans and providing services in conjunction with the VA. Program designs are diverse, ranging from a 100-bed independent living project to a 6-bed project providing recuperative care housing.
The purpose of the bridge housing component of the program is to promote the development and provision of supportive housing and services with the goal of helping homeless Veterans achieve residential stability, increase their skills and/or income, and obtain greater self-determination. Additionally, the VAGPD BH Program offers Case Management to support housing retention for Veterans who were previously homeless and are transitioning to permanent housing.
To be eligible for bridge housing, Veterans must be enrolled in a permanent housing program such as SSVF, VASH, or Section 8.
El-Ada Community Action Partnership participates in the Idaho Homeless Management Information System (HMIS). Read here to know how we may use and disclose information we have about you and how you can access that information.